I finally had to start my Speed Reading course. Ok, I did earlier already, but it didn't work. Why, you ask? Hmm... let me say... After few weeks, I eventually resigned training it. The "program" of this daily Speed Reading was on some part composed by me, so maybe it was not really good to keep doing it. I didn't feel there was any big progress at all (there was slightly better, but nothing more). Obviously, I was doing exercises recommended in the Internet, due to this, Polish site. Since today, I'm gonna be completely serious and start my training with a course, which tells me everyday what I should do. And you know what? Even though I won't have much time, I simply have to find it for that. Why I want to learn such an ability... Well, I'm going to write just in a moment. Every of lessons is actually a .pdf file. After the first one I opened, I read its content and they tell me to write at least 20 benefits, which I will attain thanks to Speed Reading.
Let it begins.
First day "Why is it worth to increase Speed Reading?"
I can get better notes in the school, but, rather I should just say, I can expand my knowledge (about...besides of this what is important, also of this what I simply want, right?). Maybe then, I could have a bigger chance to get on my dreamed studies (what after that... Just don't ask me now). Naturally, if that would be the case, I may be smarter and more intelligent (sounds incredible for me, eh?). Then who knows, maybe I could lead longer and more interesting conversations with others.
By showing my knowledge, other people might see me in a better light, appreciate me. I can't correct others and surprise them.
All of that leads also to money, you must agree. It is very important to have a knowledge in many, different and various fields of science.
Now, maybe it will create a better future to me. You may laugh, however... Why don't try it out?
I don't think I can read 2000 words per minute now. Maybe it won't help me to find happiness, but what if it does? There is only a one problem, though. I wonder... I wonder if I can stop training it after some time.
Well, we will see how it will be.
I don't think I made 20 benefits in my statement. But is it important? I was writing more generally, I don't think there is a need to keep on this "rule".
That's the first lesson for now. I don't think I will write reports about others, but surely I will mention about this "project" yet. I hope I can motivate myself enough to keep doing it.
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