28 May 2011

4th Film Music Festival in Kraków - Introduction

During my short (well, I guess 5 days is short indeed) stay in Kraków, I realized a one, certain thing. No matter how stressful, we always managed to finally reach everything.
For me, that's how it was like with the first day of the Festival (not of my arrival though), a day of the concert of the Master Hisaishi. Unnecessary I felt a bit stressed, because in a moment, we didn't know how to get on the hall of Ocynownia. We were informed it is needed to get there an hour before the concert, however... Hopefully, it was not a truth after all. I mean, we didn't have to come an hour before to be able to catch a festival bus, because there were already a mass of people waiting.
That was the only time I had a ticket for the sector A, a numbered one. It means I didn't have to worry that anybody could steal my seat unless I came in the right time.

But first I think I should mention about the official opening. We weren't sure if we should go there, since this meeting was described as "closed". Actually, there was no problem to enter there. The building in which most of academies and also this meeting took place was called "Manggha" and I'm very disappointed I didn't have enough time to walk around it.
On the meeting, there weren't Klaus Badelt, who, after all, couldn't even come, as well as...of course, Joe Hisaishi. I guess he was too busy to come, or something like that. Maybe last rehearsals with the orchestra? Anyway, it was definitely worth to come. That was the first time I have seen guests of the 4th Music Festival and it was somehow very exciting. I will tell you more about the translator of Masashi Hamauzu, but he already showed his skills, translating words in Polish for the public. Greetings we heard from everybody, Arnie Roth, Masashi Hamauzu, Adam Skorupa and Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz or Bartosz Chajdecki. We were able to get an autograph of Masashi and also, photos with him. We didn't make up with Arnie Roth back then.
There we also have bought our programs, or I should say newspapers of the festival. They were very useful. Like for getting autographs of as many artists as possible.

Here are pictures from the Facebook page of FMF:

Every one could taste this cake and I did it too - AMAZING
M. Hamauzu signing for me

When I first entered to "Hala Ocynowni Arcelor Mittal" I was astonished. It all looked so beautiful! The atmosphere, climate, lights, the big screen, the scene and so on...
Ahead the entrance, there was a room of Square Enix, a poor one, but I must tell you we spend a good time there. It's kinda funny they had only 2 games to play and both for...PSP. These consoles were connected to the bigger TVs. The first one was Final Fantasy IV (yeah, fantastic game for a short play) and the second one was Dissidia, I don't remember the full title, but it has a multiple characters from all Final Fantasy series, good and evil ones. It's brawl. Besides, there were TVs on the sides showing trailers of some FFs.
Despite that, very much time we spend in the competition few steps further, which took a place every day. The rule of it was to adjust the titles of movies to their music. Every of users had been given a paper with 4 titles - A, B, C, D. Later, lady turned on the music and you had to recognize from what it was. Practically, when you had already guessed 2 titles, you knew the answer after knowing the 3rd one. Clearly, if you knew it was for example "B, D, C" then it is obvious, the last one is A. The prizes were shirts and leashes, but once we also won tickets, for the sector A!
It was really easy to win, just after you played few times. Some of sets were even the same, so you could remember the sequence of answers.
That mainly was all what caught our attention when waiting for concerts.
There was also some kind of bar, but not for poor me.

The worst of all is that I didn't take photos of all of those places. Maybe I will find them somewhere on the Internet, but...I bet that. Generally, I regret not taking pictures of many nice things. I was always forgetting about that. First, few poor pictures made by my poor camera:

Here are ones you can find in fmf gallery (nice contrast):

My next article (asap) is the most important one, the concert of Great Master.

25 May 2011

And so I am... Actually returned yesterday. I had a strength only to sleep, so I'm writing today. I'm going to write about my visit in Kraków at the Weekend, I guess.

16 May 2011

4th Film Music Festival in Kraków

Well, I think I won't manage to write anything longer, before the festival, so... Awaits an entry after I return to home.

10 May 2011

This is...this is... MADLY EPIC!

5 May 2011

Final Fantasy VII - slow progressing

Now I just feel like I want to write something. By 2 or 3 days I wasn't doing anything special, not even watching new movie or series. I wanted to end Final Fantasy VII by the end of this week, but I don't think that will be possible. If not, I have got even less than 2 weeks. What is this all about making it in time? Before the festival I want to be even more connected with Final Fantasy series.
But to tell you the truth, I can't really enjoy in this game as much as many other players do or did. Yesterday was one of the crucial moment. Didn't really make me much excited or crying. I wonder how much it is dependence of the fact I knew about it already (yeah, spoiler). Also, I don't like the music (don't kill me). F not good arranged, it sounds awful. Sorry for that, Uematsu-san.
Maybe I didn't die laughing, but what I saw in a one scene made me laughing hard.
Tell me, is my sense of humour pathetic or does it make you smile, too? I don't upload all of pictures of this crazy situation I took, because it takes time.

I'll write something more later.